Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing Communication Branding and Strategy

Question: Discuss about the Marketing Communicationfor Branding and Strategy. Answer: A set of mechanisms utilized for coordination of the promotional messages which are being delivered or conveyed through one or mediums such as print media, radio, television, direct and personal selling. In simple terms it is a communication process in which the marketers are the senders and the consumers are the receivers and the communication process done by the marketer for creating awareness about the offerings is known as marketing communication. The concept is of very much significant for each and every communication and also for its operational efficiency (Rzemieniak, 2017). The concept is simple aids in ensuring all forms of communications and the conveyed messages are linked whilst ensuring the efforts made by each stakeholder which are aligned as per the changing marketing trends. The below presented report has been focused on the branding and strategy and marketing communication for food industry. Further brand analysis will be carried out on Dominos which is an American m ultinational brand of pizza restaurants and Burger Urge which is a local Australian brand and which is Brisbane based Gourmet Burger chain. The below presented is the brief information about the two selected brands for food industry:- Dominos which is an American multinational and well established brand name in the fast-food sector and is one of the leading brands in the Pizza restaurant chain, the company was a private owned entity before 2004 and after that the company went public and is now traded in New York Stock Exchange. It has its headquarters in at the Domino Farms Office Park Ann Arbor Charter Township, Michigan, United States, near Ann Arbor, Michigan.The company was founded by brothers Tom and James Monaghan when they purchased a pizza store named Dominicks located in Ypsilanti, Michigan and at that stage they started the business as one-store operations. In 1965, the company was renamed Dominos Pizza (Alden and Nariswari, 2017). The brand offers a diversified range of pizza; the chain also offers other dishes such as pasta, over baked sandwiches, deserts, fried chicken, side dishes and beverages etc. Burger Urge is a private owned entity which has successfully completed its 10 years of completion since their first restaurant. The company is theBrisbanes original gourmet burger kings and for future they are establishing and planning to build a great share in the Australian casual dining sector. From a slow and steady start he Carthew brothers have built Burger Urge into a business with a staff of 240, an annual turnover of $20 million and 11 employees in headquarters, The brand offers a delicious and healthy range of burgers, salads, milkshakes and other beverages, Target Markets As both the companies operate their business activities in the same sector, so the targeted consumers are almost same. Both the organizations are into offering best quality of fast food which provides a great level of satisfaction to the consumers of each and every group (Aaker, 2012). The biggest similarity in both the companies is that both have a diversified range of health and delicious and affordable range of products which can be consumed by each and every group For instance, Dominos pizza and the other offerings of the brand can be enjoyed by individuals from a teen-ager to an adult or an aged one. The products are affordable as they are with an economic range and can be purchased by any individual. Same is with the Burger Urge; the company also offers varied range of healthy burgers and many more offerings at an economical range. There is only one big difference in the target market of both the brands i.e. Dominos is a multinational brand and so it enjoys customers on a globe level, whereas the Burger Urge is a local brand name in Australia and has a limited share of targeted market. Brand Positioning Strategy: It refers to the target consumer which helps in improving the sale of the company and by that name of brand also increases (Janiszewska and Insch, 2012). It provides succour in attaining aims and objectives. Brand positioning of Dominos is divided into three levels which help in maintaining brand image in the market place. Three levels are desirable benefit, product attributes, beliefs or values. They deliver the fresh Pizza to their consumers. The product attribute of Dominos which makes it product unique among its competitors and on the basis of that they are having their own large number of stores which helps in maintaining high quality of standard of Pizza. The next desirable benefits are they are providing the Pizza to their consumers within 30minutes. Brand positioning of Dominos is versatile and it provides the guarantee that they are selling high quality fresh Pizza which is delivered on time with creates a brand image in the market. On the other side, Burger urge is also pro viding better quality products but in taste the product of this company is different. From their competitors they are trying to provide better merchandise. Along with this they are doing short term promotions and selling product by using the price as a comparison point. For attaining the market position, both the business entities can do competitor analysis or competitor positioning analysis. Elements of brand identity of Dominos Pizza are that this company having a logo and it consists of red and blue color (Aaker and Biel, 2013). Along with this logo of the business entity includes the tagline Oh, yes we did. These components together form a strong brand identity of the business organization. This concept also provides a support to the positioning strategies as the all the components together make the goods more presentable and which develops more attraction of the consumers. The brand identity thus supports the positioning strategies an also decreases the efforts of the marketing team. On the other side, Burger Urge making fast food fabulous and also doing proper designed to delight. Along with this the scalable solutions are provided so that they can attain goals and objectives. The elements of brand entity create a sense of awareness and also provide a detailed knowledge of the product. This aids marketing team in putting fewer efforts to promote the goods and servic es. Brand Equity: Dominos Pizza are the second largest pizza selling company in the world and also having the domestic and international franchisees as they are having a large amount of investments. Along with this they are putting efforts by executing proper and appropriate advertising. In the United States, Dominos is the number one pizza delivery business entity. For doing the delivery, they cover the major areas and these are the elements which help in maintaining the brand equity in the marketplace. On the other hand, Burger urge offering additional lunch meals and also some beverages options which helps in leveraging the strength of company (Wheeler, 2013). Along with this they are offering best and qualitative products at a reasonable price to the consumers so as to enhance the brand equity of the company. Brand equity leveraging is done for capturing the new revenue streams. There are various types of brand equity leveraging which are mentioned as follows: Brand extension is the concept in which the organization uses the brand name of tan existing product which is already brand extension and also the established. This builds a new market for the new product for which the company is doing brand extension. This approach also have negative results is the extension is done too far then there will be loss of credibility. Line extension refers to the expansion of a product line. For instance by adding more ingredients and toppings in a specific pizza Dominos can develop line extension. This concept adds variety to the existing products. Touch Points of Target Markets Dominos the teenagers be considered as the target market. On the basis of a survey carried out it has been observed that this is the segment which is on the top in the list of consumption. The individuals from this group have habits of outside eating habits, so it is of very much ease to approach the consumers from this segment. The company can easily target them by developing attracting promotional events and contests, as the teenagers are very much interested in taking part in contests (Shimp. and Andrews, 2012). Moreover the entity should make use of social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc. as the teenagers are from the top users of internet and social media. Also the company should provide fascinating price schemes to attract them. While in case of Burger Urge target market is at very much limited scale a company operates the business activities at local scale. So the entity will have to target the locales but then also need to target the consumers as this is the group which utilizes the products of the company at the largest scale. Here, the firm can make use of social media but should use it at local means. Also local means of promotional tools should be used, such as ads in sports and fashion magazines, pamphlets, high hoardings. The reasonable pricing strategies can be a touch point of the consumers. As per the above analysis the price is the best touch point for the targeted segment for both the companies (Solomon,. 2014). By adapting economy pricing strategy both the companies can easily attain more and more consumers from the targeted segment. Keeping a moderate price of the products and this can be done by both the entities by making reduction in the promotional and production costs. This will help both the organizations to attract more and more consumers. Buying Path of Consumers The concept is a very much complicated process and has been segmented in 5 stages which are as follows:- This is the first most steps in the decision path. A decision to buy anything cannot be made without the recognition of the need (Jones. 2014). The need can be recognized by the internal stimuli such as thirst or hunger and external stimuli i.e. ads and promotions. Now after recognition the consumer will carry out a research over the recognition of the need an will try to reach at a solution. In this search the consumer will make efforts to search internal and external environments (Goldsmith, 2016). The next step in the decision path is that the consumer will make extra efforts to find for alternatives which can be more economical and relevant. Alternative can be considered as the factor which is capable of influencing the decision making process of consumer. Purchase decision is the stage at which the consumer finally makes the decision of buying is made and the product is bought for utilization. The next step is post purchase behavior, in which the consumer makes a comparison of the product with his previous expectations (Nazir and et al, 2012). This has to be considered one of the most critical stage as it has the greatest effect on the decision making of the consumer for the future. If the features of the products are not as per the expectations then it can make a change in the decision making process. Conclusion From the above carried out analysis it can be inferred that branding an developing plans an strategies are the top vital tasks for establishing the product in a market. The analysis has been carried out on the products of Dominos which is an international brand and Burger Urge which is a local brand. Further target markets for both the organizations have been analyzed and also differences have also been mentioned. References Rzemieniak, M., 2017. Marketing communication problemsA case study of agricultural exhibitions. Alden, D.L. and Nariswari, A., 2017. Brand Positioning Strategies During Global Expansion: Managerial Perspectives from Emerging Market Firms. InThe Customer is NOT Always Right? 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