Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ban Chiang Culture And Dong Son Culture History Essay

Ban Chiang Culture And Dong Son Culture History Essay For the origin of the metalwork in Southeast Asia, there were many different opinions of the scholars. Some scholars support that the metalwork in Southeast Asia was origin locally and some of them support that it was from India and China. But unluckily, there is not enough evidence to prove which of them would be the truth. Therefore, the origin of the metalwork in Southeast Asia is not clear and uncertain. Compare with the Ban Chiang culture, the Dong son culture was appeared later in Southeast Asia. The Dong son was also one of the flourishing cultures during Bronze and Iron Age period in Southeast Asia. In geography, the center of the Dong son culture was located in the Red river valley at the North Vietnam. It was named by the village where the archeologists had found. The Dong son culture was not form independently and it was probably developed from the local Neolithic cultures at Vietnam such as the Dong dau. Different to the Ban Chiang, there was the monarch kingdom (VÄà †â€™n Lang and Au Lac) appeared in Vietnam. The Dong son people did trade in Southeast Asia and also China and India by sea, it made the Dong son culture was influenced and transformed by the Indian and the Chinese. In 43 AD., the Dong son was occupied and rude by the Han dynasty in China. The characteristic of the Dong son culture was the bronze object with the high level craftsmanship. Till the Dong son period, the people mastered the technology and skill of the bronze making, they used the metals to make many different kind of metal tools. The metallurgy and the bronze making was in a very high level, and they developed their own sophisticated metallurgy techniques based on the special quality of the bamboo and they were able to use the bamboo to fashion a fire-piston that produced the heat required to liquefy metal.   [ 1 ]    The Dong son people used the metal tools in their life, especially the bronze. They used the bronze in making the agricultural tools such as the ploug hshare, axe, spade, sickles and hoe etc, (few of them were made by iron) it reflected that the agriculture was high developed in Dong son and the ploughshare was the typical agricultural bronze tools in this culture, it showed and proved that the Dong son people had already domesticated and used the water buffalos’ strength in their agricultural activities. Besides the agricultural tools, many weapons were found in the relics of the Dong son culture. It might reflect that there were wars happened in this region. There were various of weapons were found and it included the arrows, axe, daggers, spears, swords and breastplates etc., different kind of these weapons showed that the military technology of the Dong son people was quite completed. On the other hands, the weapons were rich of decorative patterns, those patterns were vividly and detailed. The weapons were made in many different shape and the patterns was usually animals and human figures, it represented that the metal lurgic technology of the Dong son people was very sophisticated and we can also see what the Dong son people looked like from the patterns.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

REFLECTION ON INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

REFLECTION ON INTERNATIONAL MARKETING - Essay Example Additionally, international markets are characterised by a wide range of market forces that may limit the success of particular products that do not conform to the market forces. Some of the pertinent issues that may affect the success of a product in the market includes the skin colour of the people, their cultural aspects, and even their general attitude towards specific products. For instance, in Asia, the idea of a bright skin colour is a sensitive issue that influences the sale of beauty products. As such, organizations that consider entering the international market should be prepared to conform to these market forces to avoid the risk of opposition from their potential customers. Unilever is one of the organizations that have faced a market resistance from their sale of skin whitening products in Asia. International marketing strategy demands that an organization conforms to the ethical aspects of the new market to avoid igniting moods and emotions that may affect their operat ions. In the Asian market, there has been an upsurge of the demand of beauty products, a trend that has attracted many beauty product organizations to venture into this market. McDougall (2013, Para. 2) pointed out that Asia contributes to a large extent to the expanding beauty market that is expected to hit $19.8 billion by the year 2013. In Asia particularly, the market for beauty products has expanded due to the great desire of citizens to lighten their skin as a way of conforming to the notion that dominates in this environment that the bright skin is a symbol for superiority while darker skin symbolizes a suppressed person in the society. In China, India, Japan and Thailand, the people have learnt to associate light skin with beauty, youthfulness and success. Additionally, the demand has heightened due to the change of use of these skin lightening chemicals. Traditionally, these products were used for facial care yet currently the products are used for whole body care. Resultan tly, the market is expected to grow rapidly for at least five years in the near future. Consequently, multinational organizations, such as Unilever, have identified this as a potential market for sale of beauty products. However, the organizations seem to have undermined the concept of consumer behaviour that Samli (2013, P. 2) regards as a giant market force in the 12st century business environment. Skin colour has been a controversial issue in the Asian society that has sparked a great debate on the definition of beauty in this market. The nortion that bright people are superior to the white people has lead to a vicious discussion as most activists regard this kind of attitude as an act of discrimination that must be eliminated once and for all in the society. One of the activists against colour discrimination, Nandita, has launched a campaign to declare that â€Å"Dark is beautiful† as a way of fighting this issue that has generated mixed emotions in this country (Daily Ne ws, 2013, Para. 1). Being a popular actress, Nandita has garnered a lot of public interest among the black people who have shown their support of the campaign to fight against colour and racial discrimination. This campaign is similar to the campaign in Senegal that declares that â€Å"Don’t Bleach, black is beautiful† to assert the public that beauty is beyond the skin colour. From this point of view, skin colour is a matter that is likely to influence the consumer behaviour in the Asian market and taking precaution is the only way to

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Written analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Written analysis - Essay Example Giving it as a hypothetical case, if the customer is late queuing in a place, he or she misses out on a business engagement and hence losses money just because poor service provision on part of the business. If it is a personal engagement, an individual’s name carries some costs to it that cannot be quantified. A person’s dignity cannot be bought with money hence making it even a bigger loss. For the company, the losses that accrue from customer queuing are immense. The company only manages to serve very few customers out of a large number of them hence losing on the opportunity to make money. Secondly, the customer who queues in a place waiting to get some services will avoid coming to do business again and will search for such similar services providers. In the common perfect competition and monopolist market structures, the business will obviously lose on customers. There will be no customer loyalty, and hence this will define the end of the business. This can be managed by having many business agents to serve the customer and expand rooms where these services are offered. At Macro, however, the management is very aware of these queues and the costs they have on business. Arguably, they knew how to manage the situation better by avoiding falling in the pitfall. In this era of the technology revolution, the management could not gamble with it and have introduced highly specialized e-services to the clients by liaising with various service providers. As has been the case, word of mouth has been a potent business marketing tool. Word of mouth, in other words, means customer feedback on the services offered at any organization. Customer feedback is number one yardstick that evaluates and determines if the customers are getting services worth time and money. Only if the customers have satisfied with the business will they comment positively and when they are not satisfied, certainly, they would respond negatively. For any